
The key is shifting the focus of attention.

My name is Olya (Clarion cross in Human design), I’m a ukrainian currently living in east Germany.

This blog is dedicated to my adventure of self-exploraton. It’s a totally intuitive and creative process.
The main area of my interest is consciousness.
Spirituality, psychology, philosophy etc.

Some stories and my art updates can be found in my Instagram 🎨

🎧 SoundCloud music playlist

“Warriors speak of shamanism as a magical, mysterious bird which has paused in its flight for a moment in order to give man hope and purpose; warriors live under the wing of that bird, which they call the bird of wisdom, the bird of freedom.”

Carlos Castaneda, “The Power of Silence”.

Advaita AI Animatrix Art awareness Berlin Bewusstseinskultur brain Buddha Carlos Castaneda children cognitive neuroscience computer consciousness Deutsch lernen Dreams first person perspective future Human Design knowledge language Lucid dreaming matrix mindfulness movie paradox Perception philosophy psychedelic psychology Robot Self self-aware Sky social psychology society Sonnenuntergang Speed The Ego Tunnel Thomas Metzinger Tomb Raider truth Virtual reality WhoAmI? Курпатов

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